Civilizations can’t flourish without the arts, and film has definitely become the art form and literature of the modern age. Saint Jose Independent Film Festival hopes to be like the art gallery displaying these cultural treasures that reflect creativity and diverse viewpoints. We hope to offer an online platform for our young filmmakers to present their creative ideas, their singular stories and storytelling, their talent and skill in their making and, not least, their passion for communicating how they feel and think about the world they live in. These are things they share with us, the audience, and with other filmmakers, whether they are making more familiar live-action dramas or provocative experimental films.
With this in mind, our programming is not dictated only by the demands of ticket sales and audiences. We are a safe space to show films that are not calculated by a formula nor constructed by a committee of studio heads eager to make a profit. Our mission is to showcase new and uncharted territory, offer invigorating new perspectives and exhilarating new styles in storytelling, and provide a more authentic cathartic experience for the audience. If you have a film ready, we are waiting for your submissions!
The Design Observer Group / 50 books
MBAM / Livre Chihuly
The Type Directors Club 60
Naturiste / Identité
Arche de Québec / Linge à vaisselle
The Design Observer Group
MBAM / Livre Chihuly
The Type Directors Club
Identité Lorem Ipsum award